edit characteristics中文什么意思

发音:   用"edit characteristics"造句
  • edit:    vt. 1.编辑,编排;校订,订正。 ...
  • characteristic:    adj. 有特性的;表示…特性的,… ...
  • in edit:    编辑点
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  1. The author explores the compiling principles , editing characteristics and content design of practice and synthesis application and makes investigations on their experiments and draws the following conclusions . ( 1 ) the compilation of practice and synthesis application should adhere to the principles , such as the realistic , problematic , comprehensive , open , subjective and cooperative , practical principles
    本文对新教材“实践与综合应用”的编写原则、编写特色、内容设计进行了探索,并对其实验情况进行了调研,得到初步研究结果如下: ( 1 ) “实践与综合应用”的编写原则:现实性原则,问题性原则,综合性原则,开放性原则,主体性与合作性原则,实践性原则。
  2. The contents of editing consists of the contents , the forms of function and the forms of decoration . the titles editing in contents especially metioned should consult the news titles , flash should use the methods of movie editing as the important ways of multimedia . at the part of forms of function introduces the edit characteristics of hyperlink and form . at the part of forms of decoration explains developing caption and html , and so on
    接着将编辑内容分为内容、功能性形式、装饰性形式三类。内容部分突出了标题编辑可以参照新闻标题的编辑,多媒体的典型形式flash在编辑中运用电影化思维。功能性形式编辑中介绍了超链接、表单的编辑特点,装饰性形式中介绍了动态字幕、 html等。


  1. edit by irel 什么意思
  2. edit by wubomba 什么意思
  3. edit capabilities 什么意思
  4. edit capability 什么意思
  5. edit centerline 什么意思
  6. edit check 什么意思
  7. edit code 什么意思
  8. edit colors 什么意思
  9. edit command 什么意思
  10. edit command list 什么意思


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